Stay tuned for the main skin care tips in the pool during the summer

If swimming is already good, the high temperatures make it even better. But it’s important to pay attention to some details to ensure the health of swimmers, such as skin care in the pool, which should never be overlooked!

After all, there are several complications that can arise when this care is neglected. It’s just based on a basic principle: a larger number of people using pools increases the presence of fungi and bacteria in the water, which can cause serious problems for people’s skin.

The good news is that chlorine and bactericides are there to eliminate these risks. On the other hand, the bad news is that excess amounts of these chemical products can also damage the skin. So, what to do? Leave the water aside and enjoy the summer in the shade? No way!

There are many skin care tips in the pool that can make a difference and prevent your summer from turning into a headache. Let’s learn about them?

Skin care in the pool before swimming

Starting with the most important, it is important to make it clear that chlorine is not the villain of the story when it comes to pools. On the contrary, it is one of the agents responsible for maintaining the water, eliminating fungi and bacteria, and even combating the emergence of algae.

Problems only arise when chlorine is applied in the wrong amounts. While its absence leaves the pool green and full of bacteria, excess chlorine can cause swimmers to have burning eyes and body irritations.

Therefore, if you plan to swim in a pool outside your home, be aware of some signs to check if the chlorine is not being applied incorrectly. As we have already warned, green water indicates the presence of algae and bacteria, so it is best to avoid it.

In addition, signs of rust on pump outlets or on metal stairs may indicate that chlorine is being used excessively, which is also not recommended.

However, if you still decide to take a dip, remember that cold showers before swimming are extremely important, so your care should start there. Did you know, for example, that a cold shower can greatly reduce your chances of contracting a disease? With the shock of cold water, the pores of the skin close, making it difficult to be contaminated by the most common bacteria. And don’t forget to also apply a good layer of sunscreen – it forms a protective layer on the skin against impurities in the water.

Another important tip for those who plan to jump into the pool is to avoid exfoliating the skin during the summer. That’s right, all summer long! This is because soaps and exfoliating stones remove the natural protective layer of the skin, making it more sensitive to damage caused by chlorine and less protected against infections and bacteria. Similarly, it is important that swimmers avoid using very rough sponges, highly abrasive soaps, or lotions that remove the skin’s natural oils.


Post-shower: how to protect your skin and body

If the cold shower before jumping in the pool plays an essential role, in the post-shower it remains important, since it removes excess chlorine and frees the skin from impurities that accumulate in the pool water. Therefore, even if it is only palliative, it is ideal that this shower be longer and that the body be rubbed several times.

Still, when the bather arrives home, it is important for them to take a complete shower, with hot water, soap, shampoo in their hair, and then moisturizer all over their body.

It is also very common, after a pool bath with excess chemicals, to notice dry and whitish skin in some parts of the body, with the appearance of chalk. This type of reaction, which can sometimes cause itching and redness, occurs when accumulated chlorine comes into contact with less hydrated areas of the body.

Here, a good tip is to take advantage of that moment after the hot shower – when the pores are open – and apply generous amounts of moisturizer, especially on the knees, elbows, shins, and feet.

Speaking of feet, this is also a part of the body that requires special attention when using the pool. Many people think that drying the middle of their toes well is enough to avoid bigger problems.

The problem is that for the feet, the danger does not reside in the pool water, but in its surroundings. This is because, due to humidity, there is a high chance of proliferation of viruses and fungi, which in turn can cause cold sores and athlete’s foot.


Invest in a complete treatment for your pool!

If you want to ensure that the water in your own pool is always in good condition and does not pose any risks to the skin and health of your family and friends, remember that there are a series of precautions that must be taken. In addition to chlorine, other physical and chemical steps must be followed.

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